06 March 2013

Portrait of A Cat Since Faded

I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams. -Hamlet

09 January 2013

5 am

I am not a big fan of 5 am.
Not at all.  It's like the last song on Low.

Subteraneans, All deep oo oo ooos.
And oo ee ooos. Caroline Caroline
Caroline Caroline Rhyming me Shelly
Shelly Shelly ooom.

and the ripples of dreams and consciousness
at five in the morning. the booms of time
echoing. echoing.
our brains have more power than we give them
credit for.

Have you heard what the internet was saying?
About that feeling at 5 am,
When you wake up in a cold sweat
and that chill feeling on your spine
where you know
just know
someone's watching you.
But nobody is awake
in the whole damn continent.
Because it's five in the morning. And two in LA.
Still the chill creeps up your neck
and pokes at your toes.

Wake up from a nightmare
into the fire.
A flash in the dark
Blond girl, white dress.
Help me, she says
The darkness.
A flash in the mirror
burned flesh and blue eyes.
Open your eyes and you'll see her.
She's waiting for you, don't you know?

Feel the press on your chest
hear the quiet inside
focus on your breathing
and the God you don't know
wait until the morning
when the sunshine arrives
to cut through the darkness
the demons the devils.,
You'll bask in the warmth, 
as the sun's only child
if you wait until morning
and not die in the night.