25 June 2012

Pills (The real nightmare.)

Some people just have a propensity for wandering into the twilight zone. It always happens by accident. You'll be driving along late one night and suddenly Dark Side of the Moon will come on the radio. Time will progress as in a bubble. Space and dimensions a mere figment of your imagination. Syllables drip from the stop light as you pass it at the same intersection over.
and over.
Four times maybe? Before you pull over and search the GPS.
Thank God for GPS.

Those people are lucky. They escape. In the TV show almost nobody came out alive. Well, it seems my life has slipped into the twilight zone. I wish they made a GPS for life.

Maybe I'm just going crazy.

They say I should take something for that.
They always want you to take something. Pills pills pills. Every day pills. Pills for depression, pills for motivation, pills for energy, pills for ADD, pills because your body hurts, pills because your soul hurts, pills because the state of the union is crashing down upon your back account and extinction the lifestyle of the middle class is looms around you-- making the walls press in on you while you sleep

       always moaning (groaning)

               We're coming for you.
                         The end is near.
                                                         You can only pretend it isn't.

Visions of purgatory and nightmares of the future. I should take something for that. 

04 June 2012


I rarely wake up at two or three am. Sometimes when I go to sleep late I feel eyes or hear rustling; and sometimes I wake up at five in the morning. It's getting brighter outside and the light is diffusing through my room in a bluish purple haze. Someone is there. She stands above my bed and she tries to hurt me. One week I bashed my head playing on an exercise ball and the next week, still in my weakened state, when I awoke at five in the morning something grabbed by head and slammed it into the bed side table. I started crying from shear inability to cope with the pain and fell back asleep. The next day I fainted and hit my head again. Another time the being took the form of a Yuri, the female japanese ghost. She wears a white robe and has long black hair. I did not see this woman's face because she was thrashing her head about so much her hair was flying around like crazy. She was screaming at me. She usually screams at me. At five am a disappointed parent or employer shows up and yells at me or explains how disappointed they are. I have woken up fully clothed when I went to bed naked because the apparitions made me feel ashamed.
I wish I could say I didn't know where they came from or how they had so much power over me; but I have a pretty good idea. When you believe in something you give it power. When I expect this person to show up or I express belief in her I give her the power to become real.
Well, fortunately for me there are other things I believe in too. I took some rocks from the Big Island in Hawaii back in 2007. They were two small pieces of pahoehoe and two small pieces of a'a- both types of volcanic rock. It is illegal to take rocks from Hawaii. It is illegal for your protection. I took those rocks to the island of Oahu for a couple years and everything was fine; but when I brought the rocks back to New York City I ran into trouble. That yuri figure I saw-- the woman with the long angry black hair-- could have just as easily been Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire and volcanoes. Is it possible that Pele was traveling six thousand miles every night just to scare the shit out of me? Yes. People's gods are still significant and powered by their people's belief even if the culture has been decimated and overpowered by imperialism.
So I did the only thing I could think of to do. After two years of suffering Pele's curse I went back to Hawai'i and I took the rocks with me.
The first night back I thought things were going to be better. I thought there was no way my "ghosts" could follow be all the way across a continent and an ocean; but they did. As soon as I started thinking about them I heard something in the other room and my blood went cold. I was sitting with a good cat named Zoey at the time. Zoey looked at the doorway to the other room and her fur stood on end. I thought I saw a shadow move. I decided to turn my attention elsewhere. The next morning Zoey peed on my sleeping bag. It was a dick move, but it's likely her pee warned off ghosts because I wasn't haunted again for a month, until I saw those shadow people.
I took the rocks to the ocean. I walked out onto the rocky beach and opened the case I kept them in. Before I had a chance to say a few words, offer up an apology of sorts, a large wave splashed me on the rocks and swept the contents of my case back into the habitat in which they belong.
I haven't been personally haunted since returning those rocks. Unless you count my cousin Hank's underground family. 

Shadow People

What makes someone perceptible to the other realm? What is it even? Last February I started seeing shadow people in my peripheral. I looked in the mirror and there was a face in the shower curtain or grinning at me from the darkened apartment behind me. I'd see long, skinny shadow people walking into rooms. I'd see the glint of grinning teeth in the shine of a plastic cabinet in the back of a dark room.
What do you do when shadow people are stalking you? Who do you call?, as they say. I called Wikipedia. 
Shadow people are supernatural shadow-like humanoid figures that, according to believers, are seen flickering on walls and ceilings in the viewer's peripheral vision.[1] They are often reported moving with quick, jerky movements, and quickly disintegrate into walls or mirrors. They are believed to be evil and aggressive in nature, although a few people consider them to be a form of guardian angel.[2]In 2010, the apparitions were described as one of the most regularly reported paranormal phenomena in the United States. This is attributed to occasional reports on the Coast to Coast AM show, where paranormal researcher Heidi Hollis has been interviewed several times on the subject of shadow people. Hollis believes that shadow people have always existed, that they feed upon emotions of fear, and that they can be repelled by thinking positively.[2] Others believe that shadow people may be the extra-dimensional inhabitants of another universe.[citation needed]The stories of shadow people have been compared to those of the Raven Mocker, a witch from Cherokee mythology who sometimes appears as a shadowy phantom, and the Islamic Jinn.[2]Several scientific principles can be used to explain reports of apparitional experiences such as shadow people. These include optical illusions or hallucinations brought on by physiological or psychological circumstances, drug use or side effects of medication, and the interaction of external agents on the human body. Another reason that could be behind the illusion is sleep deprivation, which may lead to hallucinations.
NOTE: They feed upon emotions of fear, and they can be repelled by thinking positively.
I took a pair of scissors and snipped off a lock of my hair. Then I got a piece of red string because red is supposedly lucky. I tied the string around the lock of my hair and hung the string from the top of the door where I kept seeing those spooky apparitions. I then focused my energy in a positive direction. Channeling my thoughts away from spooky evil faces and visualizing instead peace and harmony. For as long as that room remained empty that red string and lock of hair kept the menace out. Not, probably, from any magic in the thing, but from the reassurance it gave me in pretending to believe.