17 September 2012

Jackson Heights

I went to Jackson Heights Queens a couple weeks ago for an Indian lunchtime buffet. My friend was late and I couldn't find the place so I wandered around the neighborhood for ten blocks or so. I was walking down 74th street where business in those numerous shops was booming. People were milling around the street. I was inconspicuous with my bright hair and lack of a beautiful shall around my head. Or maybe because I exude an awkward, auspicious act.
I noticed a man a few yards ahead of me. He was dressed in a long white linen robe and had a white hat on. I was walking along the edge of the sidewalk, near the street, to avoid the crowds. He was standing on the edge. As I approached he handed me a car. I pocketed it, as I usually do, and walked on.
I'm living in the lower Catskills upstate New York for a little while. I have a job up here and that makes it easy to stay positive. I believe that evil spirits are (possibly) an illusion brought on by negative energy in your brain and in your life. Ways to alleviate that energy include cleaning your house, thinking constructively instead of destructively, practicing some sort of spiritual belief, and seeking help. Since coming upstate, being employed after the longest period of rejection and fear for the future, I find it easier to keep my head above water; but I find that fear and horror still find a way to creep into my day to day life. It is an evil energy that I cannot escape.
About a week ago I was cleaning my new apartment and organizing my papers when I found the card that man in white had given me. It was for a psychic in the neighborhood. The back of the card listed all the areas in which this mystical man could help you. Love, astrology... the list ended abruptly "Evil Spirits."

Now I don't know who this man was but I have this vision of a man sitting in a dark room feeling the energy in his neighborhood when suddenly this dark cloud enters his vision and he sends his man out to reach out to her. It's just an idea. I won't know until I meet him. It did seem suspicious that the man didn't hand out any cards to the people walking around me. 

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